Montre Chronographe

What is the difference between a chronograph and an analog watch

difference entre chronographe et montre analogique

Are you interested in watchmaking and you have noticed that there were several types of watch? You want to know the difference between a chronograph watch and an analog watch?

Welcome to My Pocket Watch, the shop specializing in pocket watches! Each week, we offer articles devoted to pocket watches but also to the world of watchmaking, more generally. And, today, we are finishing our series on articles dedicated to the chronograph watch by explaining their different uses!

In this article, we will see together:

  • What is a chronograph watch
  • Differentiating the chrono watch and the classic watch in the blink of an eye!
  • The use of the term chronometer

Don't waste more time, let's go!

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The differences between a chronograph watch and an analog watch?

Let's start directly by responding to the problem of the article, what are the differences between a chrono watch and a classic needle watch ? To answer it, we will present the chronograph watch and understand its differences with the simple watch!

definition of chronograph

A chronograph, or chronograph watch, is the combination of a classic watch and a complication allowing to calculate an interval between two given times. A chrono watch can be in the form of a digital watch or a needle watch ! There are also other functions such as Tachymeter , telemetric scales or pulses .

Differential the chrono watch and the simple analog watch

You will understand, the chronograph is a watch that is more sophisticated ! While the conventional needle watch allows you to limit itself to its clock role, the chronograph watch will allow several additional features. To make the difference between a simple watch and a chronograph watch , it is simply enough to take a look at the glasses of the watch . A chronograph will always have 2 buttons , in the 2nd and 4th hour, allowing the chronometer function . In addition, there are models with auxiliary dials ! Discover their utilities by clicking on our banner just below.

and the chronometer then?

If you have been careful, we have talked about "chronometer function" or "complication allowing the calculation of intervals between two given times", instead of simply using the term "chronometer" which avoids using extension words. This choice does not justify only the gain of words of the semantic field for the referencing of our article but especially because the term chronometer requires a e certification Chronometric , delivered by the COSC ! Indeed, a chronometer is a tool of extreme precision and needs going from rigorous examinations in order to benefit from this name. We talk about it in more detail in our article devoted to Differences between chronograph watches and the chronometer watch , below.

Discover our pocket watches

In this article, we have seen everything there is to know about chronograph watches ! We have learned that chrono watches allow, in addition to giving the time, to compensate for the role of a stopwatch . There are other, more sophisticated chronographs, which incorporate other measurement tools such as tachmeter, pulsometer, cars or the barometer! However, if you want to limit yourself to the role of a classic watch, why not try originality with the gusset watches ? More than a pocket watch, it is an essential accessory for the Steampunk style, inspired by the outfits of the Victorian era!

Mechanical pocket watch

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