Comment porter une montre gousset ? | Goussets Béguin

How to wear a pocket watch?

How to wear a pocket watch for a wedding or an official event

A wedding is one of the most frequent events where men turn to a pocket watch as vintage accessory to decorate their Costume . The pocket watches bring a touch of instant class to a formal set, making it a great way to wear your wedding look at a higher level. Whether you are the groom, the boy of honor or simply an elegant guest, a gusset watch for a wedding guarantees you to make a good impression.


How to wear Gousset watch With a vest?

One of the most classic ways to wear a gusset watch for a special occasion like a wedding is attached to a vest < /Strong>. This look is traditional and always elegant, making it an excellent choice for a formal look. It is also perfect when you do not want to wear a costume three rooms full, for example, if you attend a summer wedding.

to wear a watch Wedding pocket with a vest, you need a chain . One end of this chain attaches to your pocket watch and the other through the buttonhole of your vest. The watch can then be placed in the pocket of your vest (or your jacket ), leaving the decorative chain in evidence.

How to wear a pocket watch with a suit?

a pocket watch can also be matched with a costume rather than a simple vest and a Shirt. This look is a little more formal, ideal for creating a strong impression during work holidays or high -level special events.

if your combination is not in Three pieces (that is to say that it does not have a vest), you can always attach your pocket watch in several ways. A gusset watch may Be attached through the buttonhole of your costume jacket , leaving the watch free to be slipped into the pocket of your jacket. Otherwise, a belt loop chain < /A> will allow you to attach your pocket watch to the belt loop of your pants, the watch being securely stored in pocket of your pants. << /p>

here an explanatory video in English from Kevin Webster >