L'entretien de votre montre à gousset | Goussets Béguin

Maintenance of your pocket watch

  • A pocket watch is not just accessory : it's a gift attentive for a loved one, your favorite timepieces, a family object, an inheritance, an investment. This means that it must be kept preciously and maintained to ensure that it is kept well in time . Cleaning and maintaining your pocket watch is neither expensive nor difficult, but you should follow some simple techniques to make it work and give it the appearance it deserves.

  • Clean the exterior of the pocket watch with a microfiber cloth - do not use cleaners or water because they can damage the surface and the internal parts.

  • Never keep your Pocket watch in the same pocket than other objects such as keys or coins that could damage your watch.

  • The gusset watches with cover must be treated with respect. Never force the opening of the cover or try to open it further than it should. The hinge or the alignment of springs can be damaged, which could cause an incorrect closure of cover .

  • The gusset watches must be stored when they are not worn. The pockets or boxes are suitable to keep a pocket watch safely. Alternatively, a pocket watch support is a pleasant way to display a pocket watch when it is not used.

  • Keep your pocket watch far from perfumes and deodorants because they can damage the box . Keep your clovet watch up until the end of your preparation.

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