Les types de montres à gousset | Goussets Béguin

Types of gusset watches

Although gusset watches be essentially A unique design, there are a few different aesthetic elements that greatly affect the way pocket watch is used and displayed. These elements can determine the value and age of the watch, while ultimately being more or less attractive for each owner.

collectors tend to stick to a particular model rather than the others, or to a well -known brand that specializes in a certain model. pocket watches are often classified according to the type of Display of dial which they are endowed.

There are five main types :

  • Open
  • Complete hunter
  • Half hunter
  • Double hunter
  • Double half hunter.

Open dial clovet


Watch dial with a tie for chain buckle

The Gusset watch with an open dial is one of the oldest watch models. Style can also be known as railway workers' watch. Indeed, in the 1880s, all the employees of the railways were required to have a pocket watch of a certain quality to ensure that the schedules were respected throughout the rail network. These watches have been typically opened because other types of boxes have not yet been introduced.

Gusset hunting box


Protective valve with a hinge on dial

Pocket watch Full hunting hunting has a cover on a hinge open by a small button in Crown . The front porcelain front of the first gusset watches with open face was easy to break and the hunter was therefore created to make the watch more durable. As the design became more popular, manufacturers created complete hunting watches with engravings complex on the front box. This would make the watch more attractive for those who are concerned about detail.

Half hunter pocket watch

watch-Gousset -Demi-Chasseur

Protective cover with hinge with valve

Opening the front and rear valve

Double Hunter is typically a pocket watch generally of a larger size, generally containing a mechanical movement . The watch will have a skeleton dial allowing the user to see movements around needles of the watch. Once the lid rear is open, the movement is also visible through a large visualization window, although it can sometimes include a heartbeat window at the place. The double hunter has become a gusset watch more popular with its dial larger and its visible skeletal movements. The double hunter can also be opened on both sides, which allows it to serve as a office clock .

Double half -hunter pocket watch

watch -gousset-double-demi-clapet

front and rear cover with window

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