Pocket watch

Comment porter une montre gousset ? | Goussets Béguin

How to wear a pocket watch?

How to wear a pocket watch for a wedding or an official event A wedding is one of the most frequent events where men turn to a pocket watch as...

How to wear a pocket watch?

How to wear a pocket watch for a wedding or an official event A wedding is one of the most frequent events where men turn to a pocket watch as...

De la montre à gousset à la montre bracelet | Goussets Béguin

From the pocket watch to the bracelet watch

Why has the wristwatch become popular? Discover it on our blog article completing our Previous presentation which will make you discover the main evolutionary axes in the history of Gousset...

From the pocket watch to the bracelet watch

Why has the wristwatch become popular? Discover it on our blog article completing our Previous presentation which will make you discover the main evolutionary axes in the history of Gousset...

Montre à gousset : histoire et évolution | Goussets Béguin

Pocket watch: History and evolution

Discover on our full article all behind the scenes in the history of the pocket watch as you have never seen it! Ready to redefine your needles and dials?

Pocket watch: History and evolution

Discover on our full article all behind the scenes in the history of the pocket watch as you have never seen it! Ready to redefine your needles and dials?